iPhone X,Xmax,Xr Face id not working Problem and Solution.

iPhone X,Xmax,Xr Face id not working Problem and Solution.

iPhone x series have a serious problem on Face id is not available. Some users have accidentally faced Face id not available issues after screen replacement. For these cases, Apple has released some solution on the official website. However, this solution only fixes software related defects for many cases this can`t solve the problem anymore. The face id system is so vast that your simple mistake makes these damages while repair. If the Face id not working after repair this article tells you why and how you can solve that.

iPhone has so complex module to operate Face id function. These are the visible parts over LCD is that. Ir camera & front camera but there are so many components is enter-relatively working for Face id.

First, we have to know the system how the face id works on iPhone in a very internal way that is secret.

First, it checks that is the face or not. It activates flood illuminator sense signal to the face.
that signal reflects IR Camera then goes to CPU to check human face or not.
If that is the face of human dot projector begin work. It projects more than 30000 dots on face then reflects back to IR camera.
IR Camera to CPU.
EEPROM compair original or not of a real valid user. if it is matched unlocked if not denied that is the basic system of Face id function.

The related parts to Face id.

1- IR Camera
2-Flood illuminator + Proximity sensor in one flex
3-Ambient light sensor
4- Front Camera
5 - Dot Projector

These all are shown on below image.

How to check which section is a failure that causes Face id function to fail.

We can diagnose in this way. Remember if the IR camera, front camera, dot projector all are encrypted by apple so if the Flex or FPC  is damage can be fixed but parts itself damage is not the solution.

While light sensor on the phone is accidentally damaged put the phone brightness of the phone to final then you got more brightness than normal and when the brightness of the phone is in lowest level the use torch or flashlight on the right side of the screen the brightness is automatically rising if it rises fails means light sensor is damaged which has also the most important in face id function.
The reason for the problem is that the FPC or flex accidentally damaged while the iPhone screen is replaced. So, need extra care on while changing screen.

One other case some of the internal parts might be accidentally damaged related to Face id. So you have to disconnect the battery first while doing any hardware job or disassembling the iPhone otherwise Dot Projector and front camera module on the phone might be damaged by statical energy produced by your body.

Also, make the dot projector clean the facial recognization not also available if the finger touch this parts coz fingerprint makes the face id cause such error so clean it with geltly and also the cover glass also might be clean too because fingure print and dust makes the light interfair to the Dot projector.

Some time we have to do repatitavely that clean job because dust makes the blockage on the projects.
If the iphone have replaced with new front camera module face id will not be available because one iphone is only compatible with one dot projector just like previous finger print reconization that was only compatibily on one.

While repair iphone first sure that disconnect the battery first.

This Videos instruction helps you in many ways.

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  1. Is it possible to solve sim unlock without using a chip. My IPhone is assigned to a specific carrier.

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