How to choose correct samsung mobile firmware.

How to choose correct samsung mobile firmware

Samsung phone update process have so many errors without choose the correct firmware for the same models,So you saw so many firmware on each models.Why this have a one perfect answer is that the CSC based firmware means all country have different in language that can`t be found in one firmware.All firmware have different CSC codes on which language package is in.

So we are going to show you on the piece of the article that your works makes simple on which you don`t need to download the so much for the same models.

What type of error you got while you update firmware.

1-SwRev.Check Fail Device:4,Binary 3.

2-Show flashing failed.

3-Pit error.

4-Flashing break on middle.

5-Baseband Null.

Many people faced that issues while flashing the firmware.

Download the image that makes all in a clear format that you have to easily find that

Which firmware you have to download.

How To Solve?

  • Before flash, phone go to download mode & check device binary number

  • Download & Flash same build/binary or up  Firmware


 If your phone binary number 2, you download 2/3/4/
 all latest build firmware.

 Because all file flashes compatibility.

If you try with 1 binary then you get Show flashing failed.

Note: Always check Binary Then Flash

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